Human F*ckery

Secret Story Time Preview: "Christ-loving Conmen and Bedazzled Designer Denim: The Alamo Ministries Cult, Part 2"

Human Fuckery

So what happens when two broke Jews-turned-Christian-Evangelicals fall in love, then decide to grift a bunch of poor people out of money using The Bible as leverage? SPOILER ALERT: It’s…uh, yeah, it’s not great. It involves a lot of gaslighting, hypocrisy, some sexual assault, and a prodigious amount of abuse. But in the case of The Alamos, it also involves gay demons, alien angels, laser beams, and piles of karma, so the story is as entertaining as it is infuriating.

If you’ve not already listened to PART ONE (published June 19 on Patreon), you’ll want to go back and start there. If you’ve already been schooled on the humble beginnings of “Grandma Susie and Papa Tony,” pop those earbuds in, hit play, and be prepared to be appalled by these two total assholes.

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