Human F*ckery

The Fuckerrecap #1: September 2022 Weird News in Review

Human Fuckery Season 1 Episode 1

What a time to be alive! Deadly weather events, dickheads holding office, adult toddlers running around doing adult toddler shit—it’s too much to keep up with. So we’re helping out. Now that our amazing new subscribers Denise and “J” have tipped us over into the 30+ paying patrons mark, we’re able to make this monthly roundup of human fuckery just for y’all. (More patrons mean more, and better, content more frequently, so consider gifting a subscription to a friend or shilling for us online, it works.)

The Fuckerrecap is not comprehensive, but it IS entertaining and will, ideally anyway, keep you abreast of some of the modern, daily fuckery rattling the human experience in real time.

If you see any news stories in the month of October that make you go uuuuuum, please do tag us in them or send the links our way. We’ll do our best to get them, along with credit to you, worked into future recaps.

On this month’s agenda:

  • Brett Farve’s Reverse Robin Hooding
  • Marjorie Taylor Green being Marjorie Taylor Green
  • "Sleepy Chicken”
  • Needless Raccoon Arrests
  • Coolio’s Super Manly Beef-Squashing Skills

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